Monday, December 3, 2007

Brief on Iraq War

Brief on Iraq War

Thesis: Due to the complexity of the Iraq war, a compromise could not be reached because of the adverse consequences that would happen if US troops were to pull out immediately or stay in Iraq to see that Iraq establishes a government.

Reason: There are many negative outcomes that can occur if US troops were to pull out of Iraq immediately.

Evidence: Iraq could become grounds for breeding terrorists.

Evidence: Iraq could enter a state of civil war due to the conflict between the Shiites and Sunnis.

Reason: There are many positive outcomes that can occur if US troops were to pull out of Iraq immediately.

Evidence: US casualties and funds would cease to increase.

Evidence: The hatred for terrorists groups in Iraq would deter the terrorists from gathering in Iraq.

Evidence: Majority of the world would be satisfied.

Evidence: The people of Iraq could establish their own government and become stable country.

Reason: There are many positive outcomes that can occur if US troops were to stay in Iraq and help the Iraqis establish a democratic government.

Evidence: Iraq would become another democratic government that is established in the world.

Evidence: Iraq would become a key ally in the Middle East.

Evidence: A low amount of terrorists would be in Iraq.

Reason: There are many negative outcomes that can occur if US troops were to stay in Iraq and help the Iraqis establish a democratic government.

Evidence: US funds would decrease due to the cost of the war and US casualties will continue.

Evidence: It will not have the world’s support.

Evidence: Tension builds up and weakened relationships with other countries.

Reason: A topic that was mediated was the war costs lives and money.

Evidence: Casualty count in Iraq.

Evidence: Debt built up in Iraq.

Reason: A topic that was mediated was that US is there to protect the oil supply in Iraq.

Evidence: One of the reasons US invaded Iraq.

Evidence: US oil companies refuse to go into Iraq until there is an oil law established.

Reason: An agreement was reached on the fact that Iraq has ideological problems.

Evidence: The Shiite vs. Sunni conflict in the Islamic religion.

Evidence: Extremist groups before US invasion.

Evidence: Possible Al-Qaeda training camps established.

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